I & II
This is a beginning course and introduces the Hebrew aleph bet, fundamentals of reading and writing in block/print Hebrew and a basic vocabulary. The course is an hour long each week and requires two semesters to complete.
Prerequisite: none
Class Times Options:
Tuesdays at 5:30pm
$50/Month Plus Materials

This course is the first of three which teaches Hebrew through Siddur prayers, expands vocabulary and reading fluency and introduces basic grammar skills. Hebrew script will also be learned. The course is 90 minutes each week and requires 1 semester to complete.
Prerequisite: Completion of Shalom Uvrachah or permission of the teacher
Class Times Options:
Mondays at 5:30pm
Wednesday 5:30pm
$50/Month Plus Materials

This course is a continuation of Hineini I and expands skills through learning parts of the Shemonei Esrei. The student will add over 90 words and 30 roots, suffixes and prefixes to his/her vocabulary. The course is 90 minutes per week and requires 1 semester to complete.
Prerequisite: Hineini I or permission of the teacher
Class Times Options:
Mondays at 5:30pm
Wednesday 5:30pm
$50/Month Plus Materials

Hineini III is a continuation of Hineini II and continues study of the Shemonei Esrei. Students will add over 90 words and 30 roots, suffixes, and prefixes to his/her vocabulary. The course is 90 minutes per week and requires 1 semester to complete.
Prerequisite: Hineini II or permission of the teacher
Class Times Options: TBD
$50/Month Plus Materials

This is the first of three college-level courses in Biblical Hebrew. This intense course launches into Hebrew grammar and parsing while adding vocabulary words. Adult Hebrew II and Adult Hebrew III will follow. The entire course takes approximately 2 1/2 years when studied year round. Classes are 90 minutes each week.
Prerequisite: Prayerbook Hebrew The Easy Way or permission of the teacher
Class Times Options:
Tuesdays 5pm
Saturdays 4pm
$50/Month Plus Materials

In this course, the student learns to develop the skill to cant from the Torah scroll. Names and melodies of the t'amim (tropes) are learned. The course is 60 minutes per week and requires 2 semesters to complete.
Prerequisite: Hineni I or permission of the teacher
Course is available upon request.
Class times: TBD
$50/Month Plus Materials

This program prepares a boy/girl to become a bar/bat mitzvah and requires a 2 year commitment.
Topics studied include:
God's Appointed Times
Jewish History
Life of Yeshua, ministry and Jewishness
Meaning of a bar/bat mitzvah
For one semester of history, the student may choose to study the history of the B'nei Anisum (Sephardic Jews) or the history of the modern state of Israel. The student will learn the parashah traditionally read in the synagogue on the birthday of the student, will learn to cant a portion of that parashah and prepare a drash related to it.
During this time the student will choose and complete a bar/bat mitzvah project benefitting another person.
Preferably boys will begin this instruction two years before his 13th birthday and girls two years before her 12th birthday. However, students may enter anytime prior to age 16.
Course is available upon request.
Class times: TBD
Price: TBD

This is a multi-year program in which the student will study Jewish history from Abraham to modern Israel and what it means to be a bar/bat mitzvah. The student will learn the parashah traditionally read in the synagogue on the birthday of the student, will learn to cant a portion of that parashah and prepare a drash related to it.
During this time the student will choose and complete a bar/bat mitzvah project benefitting another person.
This course is designed for students 16 years old or older.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Hebrew classes through Torah Cantillation
Course is available upon request.
Class times: TBD
Price: TBD